I'm happy to be in touch with you! Below is how you can contact me or get help. Please use the list below to find the best way to reach me or get support based on what you need.
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Instructions for downloading:
- Check your email for the link to download your book(s)
- Click the download button on the Bookfunnel page and select the file type for your e-reader (iOS/Android/Kindle/Nook/Kobo/Computer)
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Where to Follow Me for Updates, Fun, & Freebies
I love to connect with you! Here are some ways we can connect and engage!
❤️Email: I send emails weekly with fun stories, book updates, anecdotes, questions, freebies and more. Sign up here and get a free book.
❤️SweetHarte Reader Group: Come to chat, get behind the scenes updates, join in on parties and fun, and a whole lot more.
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Something else?
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